Challenges of Sustainable Development Summer Academy, Poland

Deadline: 3 April 2011
Open to: to students and PhD students, researchers as well as representatives of the business and administration from the Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region
Award: scholarship for participation in the Summer Academy in Lodz, Poland from 3-23 July 2011

Sendzimir Foundation, Poland are waiting for your applications to take part in the XIV edition of the Summer Academy Challenges of Sustainable Development (Lodz, Poland, 3-23 July 2011) till the 3rd of April 2001.

The recruitment process consists of two phases:

Phase 1 – submitting the applications until April 3rd 2011 (see Application Process)

All applicants will be invited to take part in the Introduction to sustainable development e-learning course (two weeks, 8-25 April 2011, distance learning, internet access needed). The course will be concluded with a short written exam and the results obtained by the applicant will be taken into consideration as one of the selection criteria.

All the participants with a result over 60/100 points will be granted a certificate that they graduated an Introduction to sustainable development course.

Phase 2 – active engagement in the Applications of sustainable development e-learning course (29th April – 29th May 2011)

60 people will be selected during phase 1 (the CV, the cover letter as well as the short exam result will be taken into consideration).

They will be invited to participate in the 2 part of the e-learning phase – Applications of sustainable development. This part will consist of several individual and group tasks related to sustainable cities development and CSR.

28 persons that will show us their motivation to take part in the ChoSD course and a high level of engagement will be granted a scholarship to take part for free in the XIV edition of the Summer Academy ChoSD in Lodz between 3rd and 23rd of July 2011.

The additional criteria taken into account will be:

* fluency in English,
* country of the applicant (approximately 60% of participants will be from Poland, from other CEE and Baltic countries we will accept up to 3 participants from a certain country taking into consideration the number of application from a given country),
* specialization (the course has an interdisciplinary character and we try to create a diverse group of participants to share knowledge and experience in their fields).

You will be informed about the final results at the end of May, but the course tutors on constant basis will provide feedback to the applicants.

All of the participants who fulfill all of the course tasks will be granted a certificate that they graduated the Application of sustainable development course.

Summer Academy

Three-week Summer Academy the Challenges of Sustainable Development is on of the most important educational events connected to sustainability in Poland. More than 350 people took part in it since 1998. Since the 12th edition we accept also participants from abroad.

Who can take part in the course?

The course is addressed to students and PhD students, researchers as well as representatives of the business and administration from the Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region. Students represent different areas and specialties, especially they were: nature protection and environmental engineering, architecture, management, economic sciences, agriculture, biology, ecology, arts, history, journalism.

Application Process

Submit the applications to till the 3rd of April 2011.
Your application should contain:
* your CV in English (PDF file named: surname_name_CV.pdf);
* cover letter in English (PDF file named: surname_name_letter.pdf) – limited to one page, it would let us know at least why do you want to take part in the course? how does it match your future career development plans?
* you can attach some recommendation letters too.

The official webpage.

2 thoughts on “Challenges of Sustainable Development Summer Academy, Poland

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I have seen your learnings course, which is very interesting and exciting. Seems candidates from Central Asia are not eligibel to apply. But is there any exception for this?

    thanks somuch for yoru kind response,


    1. Dear, Zohir,

      Please note that Mladiinfo does not give scholarships or any financial support, but only informs about different opportunities. Click on the direct link to the official page above to apply for the program.
      And, unfortunately, I don't think there is any exception to it.



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