University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg is the third-oldest Swedish university, it was founded in 1891 as Gothenburg University College. The around 40 Departments and centres conduct research and development in a great range of scientific disciplines, from medicine and biotechnology to marine biology and opinion formation. With its 37,000 students, it is one of the largest universities in the Nordic countries.

University Structure

Its eight faculties offer training in the Creative Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Education, Information Technology, Business, Economics and Law, and Health Sciences.

Exchange Students

As one of Europe’s biggest universities, University of Gothenburg has partner universities all over the world. For those studying at one of these educational institutions, there is the option of studying for a semester or a year at the University of Gothenburg. You can apply via one of the international exchange programmes. Contact the international office at your university to find out more.

If you come via bilateral agreement, you should apply via Exchange Student Services. Contact the international coordinator at your home university to find out more about the process. You can also contact Exchange Student Services at the University of Gothenburg if you have any questions. E-mail:


There are a substantial number of opportunities to apply for grants and scholarships. Some scholarships are handled centrally with decisions by specially appointed boards, some grants are administered by the respective registrar with decisions by faculty boards and some are dealt with entirely by a department. You may find the list of scholarships here. Current scholarships are to be found here. (in Sweden only)


University of Gothenburg
Box 100, SE-405 30 Gothenburg
Visiting Address:
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 00 00
Fax: +46 (0)31-786 10 64

The official webpage.

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