IBM Summer Internship in Software Technology, US

Deadline: no set deadline
Open to: top graduate students interested in all areas of programming languages and software engineering
Salary: competitive salary

The Software Technology Department at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Lab in New York is looking for top students interested in all areas of programming languages and software engineering, including:

* Programming models and their implementation for concurrency, distribution, cloud, and heterogeneous systems (FGPA, GPU, etc.)
* Tools and techniques for software security, quality, and performance
* Metrics driven approaches to software development
* Collaborative and social issues in software development
* Flexible modeling
* Human-computer interaction and usability of software engineering tools

The summer internship program provides students with a unique opportunity to experience the research environment at IBM. The program is highly competitive, and is designed for top students who are interested in tackling challenging research problems. Many of our student interns have authored papers, or even theses, out of their sojourn with us; have contributed to open source projects; and/or have contributed to IBM products.

The Software Technology Department performs leading research in a number of areas, all centered on making software development and deployment more efficient and effective while improving productivity of the organizations and quality of the resulting software.

IBM Research conducts scientific research and develops technologies and processes for use with IBM products and customer applications. IBM is a leading manufacturer of computer hardware and a leading provider of products and services that relate to the full software life cycle activities (i.e., requirements, design, code, test, deployment and maintenance), including infrastructure, hosting, and consulting services. IBM Research fosters close partnerships with the other IBM divisions, and consequently we are constantly exposed to real world problems. This puts IBM Research in a unique place where we become aware of fundamental research challenges and opportunities in the real world before they are visible to the research community at large.


IBM is primarily looking for graduate students who are working towards a Master’s or Doctorate degree in in all areas of programming languages and software engineering.


* Do cool research: An internship is a great way to get away for a few months and tackle a new research project. For most of the interns, the internship leads to a paper submission at an international conference, such as PLDI, ICSE, POPL, or FSE.
* Find good problems: One of the main challenges for graduate students is to find a “good problem”, some interesting research question to write a paper about or ultimately do a thesis on. IBM has plenty of interesting research questions in emerging areas that are, almost by definition, relevant to industry, and due to its vast customer base, to society in general.
* Check out IBM: IBM Research is a potential employer for you after you finish your thesis. We are a leading research lab, with thousands of Ph.D.s working on diverse topics. By spending a few months here as an intern, you can get a feeling for what it’s like to work here full-time.
* Build your network: Whether your career takes you to academia or industry, it is important to know and be known by people in the research community. Not only do many top PL and SE researchers work here at IBM’s Watson lab, IBM also has a vibrant seminar series with talks from external speakers.
* Live in the New York metro area: The Watson lab is about 35 miles north of New York City. NYC has plenty of famous sights, broadway shows, museums, etc. Spending a few months here is a great way to enjoy a change of scenery and experience a different corner of America.
* Money: The interns receive competitive salaries. While living in NY is more expensive than your typical college town, your pay-checks more than make up for that. An internship is a good way to save up some money for the rest of the academic year.

Application Process

If interested, please send your resume in pdf format to IBM’s 2011 internship coordinator, Martin Hirzel ( IBM will contact you with additional application information if they identify a good fit with a project.

If you have any questions about doing an internship with IBM, please contact the 2011 intern coordinator, Martin Hirzel (

The Official Webpage.

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