European Residence Programme for Writers and Literary Translators, Sarajevo

Deadline: 15 March 2011
Open to: writers and literary translators from Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo/UNMIK, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia
Scholarship: accommodation, traveling expenses and a scholarship of EUR 800

The TRADUKI literary network, in cooperation with the Sarajevo Open Center, will initiate the two-year  European Residence Program for Writers and Literary Translators  in May 2011. The idea behind the program is to enable writers and translators to work intensely on their manuscripts for one month, to get acquainted with the social and literary circumstances in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while at the same time promoting literature and the work of the visiting translators to the local audience.


Writers and literary translators from Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo/UNMIK, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia or  translators translating from Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian into the languages of the afore-mentioned states, or vice-versa, are eligible.


The application (in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, English or German) must contain the following:
– CV
– contact data
– bibliography
– a short description of planned activities in Sarajevo
– letter of recommendation (from a publisher/writers’ association/association of translators etc.)

Send all the documents via e-mail to and (please note that you have to sent them to both e-mail addresses).


The residence stay includes covered costs for accommodation in the city center in the duration of one month, traveling expenses and a scholarship in the amount of EUR 800.

Official Webpage

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