Modernity and Tradition in Adult Education, Lublin, Poland

Deadline: 27 April 2011
Open to: adults from EU countries working in the field of adult education
Costs: covered by Grundtvig grant
Venue: 25 September – 1 October 2011, Lublin, Poland

Initiative Fund Foundation, from Lublin, Poland,  is organizing international training courses within the Lifelong Learning Program, sub-program Grundtvig.

The key aim of the course is to present, analyze and compare different methods of teaching adults taking into account traditional and modern aspects of this field. The participants will gain thorough knowledge and practical skills concerning diverse methods and tools implemented in adult education institutions, increase awareness of the diversity of teaching methods used in European countries, analyze the role of the trainer, become acquainted with the organization of the process of teaching adults and familiarize with the specificity of adult education.


  • increasing awareness of the diversity of teaching methods used in European countries,
  • acquainting with the organization of the process of teaching adults,
  • familiarizing with specificity of adult education, treating adult person as a partner in learning process
  • comparing various traditional and modern teaching aids and tools used in adult education,
  • analyzing the role of the trainer, teaching and learning styles, communication and leadership skills,
  • cooperating and learning in multinational and intercultural context,
  • sharing experience in the field of adult education,
  • exchanging examples of good practice across Europe.

The knowledge gained during the training will enable participants to implement fresh ideas and solutions into their work. The added value of the training is the possibility of learning and interacting in intercultural context.


Adults from EU countries working in the field of adult education.


Send your application to


All costs are covered by Grundtvig grant.


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