EVS in Cultural Oranization in Romania

Mladiinfo is looking for two young persons from Macedonia that want to spend 10-12 months in Romania starting from July 1st, 2011 as part of EVS in Cultural foundation Timpul ( More info here)

The projects will take part mainly in Iasi City although some activities might take part in some other big cities in Romania and, in exceptional cases, in some rural areas. Iasi City is the biggest city from NE of Romania, also a cultural capital and one of biggest Romanian’ scholar center. Iasi city is well connected with all major communication routes: railways & auto network, international airport and it’s very easy to access from other major cities from Romania. Through international airlines is easy to be reached from all major European capitals.  The projects’ environment is 100% connected with Iasi cultural life, the volunteers’ activities will be strictly related with cultural events. Their main tasks will be to help our staff to initiate and implement different kind of cultural events like: small or medium festivals, cultural evenings, shows etc. Other activities will be related with the promotion and stimulation of cultural consumption.
The accommodation of the volunteers will be in near center area of the city, a safe and quality environment and also very closed to our offices. This way, all involved volunteers can walk their way to home or to work and they will be near all major cultural events locations.
All activities are project based and connected with culture. The main role of the volunteers will be to integrate themselves into our teams and help with the organization of the cultural events, promotion of the events and involving other youngsters in those events.
New ideas and approaches will be highly encouraged and appreciated. We wish our volunteers to get involved and all kind of cultural events, to bring up new ideas and to express themselves better.

All interested fill the application form and send it to info@mladiinfo.com . The deadline is January 1oth , 2011

CV Model EU Culture-1

2 thoughts on “EVS in Cultural Oranization in Romania

  1. Bi sakala da znam dali imate podetalni informacii okolu trosocite vo vrska so ova volonterstvo? sto e pokrieno od strana na organizacijata. osobeno se odnesuva na patnite trosoci, kako i sekojdnevnite potrebi vo zivotot vo romanija (pr. prosecno, kolku pari mesecno se potrebni za tamu)

    i drugo prasanje, koja e aplikacijata sto treba da se popolni? ovaa na linkot CV Model EU Culture-1? mene mi izgleda kako opsta aplikacija za volonterstvo.

    fala, pozdrav

    1. Dear Dina,

      So, as far as I can see, you are obviously not familiar with the whole EVS programme. Here you can read more about it in general: http://www.mladiinfo.com/2010/11/08/european-volu
      But to make your life easier, I can tell you that EVS volunteer is obliged to get accommodation, food, some modest pocket money and a language course. Also, organisation, sending or hosting pays for the return ticket.

      Generally, the pocket money should be enough to cover your expenses in Romania, but unfortunately how much it will be, I can't tell you. However, it is regulated regarding each country, so I encourage you to try to find the info on the web.

      And yes, the application CV Model EU Culture-1 is the actual application, on the top you may see a subheading: EU CULTURE – A 2 EVS in Iaşi, Romania, 2011.



      EVS in Mladiinfo

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