Minority Voices Young Journalist Award

Deadline: 31 December 2010
Open to: student or young journalist working in print, on-line or broadcast media under the age of 30 are eligible to apply
Award: the winner will be awarded a research trip to visit a minority or indigenous community in the global south

Minority Rights Group International will present the Minority Voices Young Journalist Award to one outstanding young journalist wanting to highlight within the European media the issues facing minority and indigenous communities in the global south.


Student journalists or working journalists under the age of 30 are eligible to apply.
In order to be eligible, the young journalists would need to be registered to study at a university in the EU, working for an EU-based media organisation or would need to prove that they had been resident in the EU for a period of one year prior to the closing date.


Your story should have been written/recorded in the preceding 12 months. It should look at development issues affecting minorities and indigenous peoples in the global south.
You can send entries that have already appeared in the media or those you want to get into the media.


All entries should be made via application form. The deadline for entries is 31 December 2010.
Note that entries can be made in more than one category but only one award will be made covering all of the categories:

  • For TV: DVD PAL.
  • For radio: CD (MP3 format).
  • For print: Originals or copies of articles clearly marked with name and date of publication or a pdf of the article via e mail.
  • For new media: Clearly marked printed copies or URLs as appropriate, with accompanying web statistics if possible.
  • For images: CD, DVD or JPG via e mail if the image is no larger than 2MB, together with copies or URLs of the publication in which they were printed.


  • Print/online submissions should be a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 2,000 words. TV/radio submissions should be a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 40 minutes in length.
  • When sending DVD’s or CD’s, we will require five copies of each entry in order to disseminate amongst the judges. Although the entries can be submitted in any language, they must include English translations for ease of judging.
  • If submitting hard copies of written material, please also include 5 copies. All other material should be submitted via e mail.
  • If returning the application form as hard copy please submit 5 copies, if not please submit via e mail.
  • The application form includes space for a synopsis (no more than 500 words) of the piece as an aid to our judges. The synopsis should provide a brief explanation of the story and say why the piece should be considered for the award.

Please make sure all entries are clearly marked with your name, their title, and the category they are being entered into. The address to send the materials to is:

Farah Mihlar
Media Officer
Minority Rights Group International
54 Commercial Street
London, E1 6LT


As well as a certificate, the winner will be awarded a research trip to visit a minority or indigenous community in the global south and asked to write a piece which will then be featured on MRG’s new Minority Voices Newsroom. MRG media staff in London will also endeavour to secure a professional outlet for the publication of the material, be it print, online or broadcast.

Minority Rights Group International
54 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LT, UK
Tel: 020 7422 4200
Fax: 020 7422 4201
Email: minority.rights@mrgmail.org

Official Website

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