Deadline: 3 December 2010
Open to: doctorate holders in the history of the human sciences, history of science or related field at the time the position begins, of any nationality
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (Department II; Director: Prof. Lorraine Daston) seeks an outstanding Junior scholar for a two-year position to begin no later than 1 September 2011 as Research Fellow in conjunction with the research project Comparative History and Theory of Textual Practices, organized by Professor Anthony Grafton (Princeton University) and Professor Glenn Most (Scuola Normale Pisa/University of Chicago).
The position is primarily devoted to research, with no teaching and minimal administrative duties (most of which will relate to the organization of departmental research projects).
Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of the human sciences, history of science or related field at the time the position begins and show evidence of scholarly promise in the form of publications or other achievements. A previous postdoctoral position is desirable but not essential.
Research projects may concern any culture or historical period (including the present). Although projects must have a history of science component, both the human and natural sciences are included under that rubric and additional relevant disciplinary perspectives are welcome.
The colloquium language is English; it is expected that candidates will be able to present their own work and discuss that of others fluently in that language. Applications may however be submitted in German, English, French, Spanish, or Italian.
Scholars of all nationalities are welcome to apply; applications from women are especially welcomed.
Candidates are requested to submit :
– curriculum vitae (including list of publications)
– research proposal on a topic related to the project (750 words maximum)
– names and addresses (preferably including email) of three referees (who have already been contacted by the applicant to assure their willingness to submit letters by January 7, 2011 should the applicant be among the finalists for the position)
Please send your application to:
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Abt. Personal/WiMi Archives
Boltzmannstraße 22
14195 Berlin
Finalists for the position will be informed by December 22, 2010 and asked to come for an interview on January 25, 2011 (travel expenses covered by the Institute).
For questions concerning the research project and Department II, please contact, Prof Lorraine Daston
For administrative questions concerning the position and the Institute, please contact, Mr. Jochen Schneide, Research Coordinator.