Training course “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers”

Deadline: 23/09/2009
Open to: Youth leaders and workers

The training project is focusing on creating the base of facilitation skills needed for youth leaders in youth exchanges, with the special consideration of different learning processes taking place in a youth exchange.

About the training

*Facilitation Beyond Frontiers is a training project, with the main aim: To improve learning outcomes of youth exchange projects in the frame of Youth in ActionProgramme, by increasing facilitation skills of 24 youth workers from 10 different countries, with the special emphasis of developing new methods and approaches.


*According to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organizers. In addition, BalkanIDEA is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.

Application Procedure

*Fill in the application form and send it to

For more info click here.

Submission deadline is September 23rd, 2010.

One thought on “Training course “Facilitation Beyond Frontiers”

  1. Dear all,

    I'm writing on behalf of BalkanIDEA to inform you that we had organised this training LAST year in Kovacica in Serbia.

    We didn't reapply for it and we don't have any clue who's advertising it now!

    According to the numerous application forms that we got it seems that FBF training is interesting for a lot of people, so you guys motivated us to fund raise money for it again! 🙂 All the application forms we already received will be taken in consideration for the next implementation of the training!

    Wishing you nice day and looking forward to welcome you on the next Facilitation Beyond Frontiers TC!

    Your BalkanIDEA team

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