Movies that Matter support for human rights film events

Deadline: 15/09/2010

Committed to the promotion and a wider circulation of human rights film screenings worldwide, Movies that Matter has initiated an extra stimulus for the circulation of human rights films in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Movies that Matter offers modest financial assistance up to € 5.000 of subsidy to organise various types of human rights film events in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Eastern Europe. This may take various forms, such as human rights film festivals, mobile cinema programmes, film and debate programmes, small-scale screenings for specific target groups, rotation within a network of film houses, school and university screenings, and distribution through multimedia platforms.

Movies that Matter judges every project on its individual merits. Movies that Matter is open for innovative and new plans. If you’re not sure if your project fits within the criteria, you can contact them.
Keep in mind that the selection procedure takes two months, so apply for funding for your project well in advance.

Selection Criteria

  • Film screenings will contribute to discussion about human rights in the country/region in question.
  • The project takes place in one of the countries as defined on the DAC List and/ or countries where press freedom is at stake in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East or Eastern Europe.
  • Projects will be submitted and executed by a local organisation and/or filmmaker who work in close cooperation with local organisations.
  • Projects are organised in cooperation with other local human rights organisations or ngo’s.
  • The application consists of a well-wrought and complete plan and budget (see entry form for all required information).
  • A reasonable degree of professionalism of the organisation, both financial and organisational.
  • The total budget of the project does not exceed € 100.000.

General regulations

  • Application forms must be filled out in English.
  • Additional material should be in English as well.
  • Application forms must be filled out completely.
  • Application forms must be received ultimately on the deadline.
  • The project itself should not take place within two months after the deadline.
  • The result of the selection will be announced within two months after the application deadline.
  • Projects can be supported for a maximum of three times.
  • For every project the applicant needs to send a new application form.


The application is sent by e-mail in attachments before the 15th of September. Documents and additional material are clearly marked with the project title.

Download the entry form and email the fully filled-out application to:

For more information, visit the official website.

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