Lessedra international painting competition, Bulgaria

Deadline: 10/11/2010

The Lessedra arts gallery of Bulgaria is announcing an international annual competition with the premise to show the variety of art medium. The aim is to gather and to exhibit contemporary works from all over the world and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors, and to stimulate the research into Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography and other forms of expressed art.

1. Each artist should send no more than 3 original works, created in 2009/2010. Entries may feature any type of Painting, Drawing, Collage, Watercolor, Photography, Digital, Mixed Media etc.and should be signed by the artist. The works could be executed on paper, canvas, cardboard etc.
VERY IMPORTANT: No frames or mounts… The maximum dimensions of a work are 15 x 15 cm = 5,9 x 5,9 inches. The images can be same size or differ according to their content. Please note this is the limiting size. Smaller or bigger works are not accepted. Works exceeding the limited size will be neglected!
2. The application (entry) form should accompany the work, including the name and the nationality of the artist as well as the title, price, year and the technique used in the work.
3. The works should be sent to LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects noted as “works For Exhibition only” by registered air-mail in a simple packet, unframed, without mount, bearing the declaration “No commercial value”.
Please note: packages with declared amounts arrive directly in the customs so they shall be returned back from the customs for the costs of the sender.
4. Participation fee is 50 EUR for all European and 70 USD for all other countries and it covers CD – catalogue production, organization of the exhibition, invitations, posters, advertise materials, return of works and postage.
It has to be paid with the message “Painting Exhibition”

Note that payment of the entry fee is not a guarantee for acceptance!A jury for previous selection is appointed to make the selection of artists & works with the intention to keep the high professional level of the exhibition. If for any reasons an artist is rejected the works sent are returned,and the entry fee is refunded – reduced by the postage.

*First Prize (USD 300 = purchase of work(s) by additional agreement and  an invitation  for a solo presentation of the artist in conjunction with the next  annual  exhibition).
*Second Prize (USD 100).
*Third Prize (USD 100).

Entries should be sent to the following adress:
LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects
25, Milin Kamak Street, Lozenetz
1164  Sofia
(the previousle mentioned format of the packge should be respected)

tel: (++359 2) 866 38 57

For more information, along with the entry form click here

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