UNICEF State of the World’s Children Report

Contribute to the 2011 State of the World’s Children – UNICEF’s flagship publication.

Deadline: 10/06/2010 and 30/06/2010

• UNICEF is seeking quotes and essays from adolescents (10-19 years old)
• Quotes can be up to 50 words; essays up to 800 words
• Deadline is June 10 to be considered for the State of the World’s Children report
• Deadline is  July 30 to be considered for a special SOWC adolescent companion report

The State of the World’s Children (SOWC) has been UNICEF’s flagship publication for 30 years, and every year it closely examines a key issue affecting children. The report is translated into several languages and read by thousands of people in governments, the United Nations, media and the general public.   This year the report will focus on adolescents – like you! The report will include statistics and information about the challenges and opportunities facing adolescents around the world.  You can read more about previous editions of the SOWC here.

This year, there will also be a companion report written and edited by young people like yourself.  This report will explore the situation of adolescents from your own perspective, based on the experiences you have had in your own life. The purpose of the report will be to complement the SOWC report with the unique insight you have about your own situation – the kind of information that is not easily found in statistical tables.

A team of young people will review, select and edit your contributions and compile it into a report. In addition, a selection of contributions will be included in the SOWC report itself and be featured on SOWC-related websites.

How to contribute

There are two ways to contribute – you can submit a quote, write a short essay, or both.

Submit a quote
Answer the question below:

In 50 words or less, tell us what would help you live your “best life”?

Write an essay
Write an essay where you share your perspective on an issue that is important and relevant to you.  You can choose from the list below or choose your own issue to write about:
• What makes you feel good about yourself, confident and empowered?
• When do you feel safe?
• Which values and human rights are most important to you, and why?
• What does equality, fairness and non-discrimination mean to you?
• What does community and citizenship  mean to you?
• What do you understand by the terms dialogue and mutual understanding?
• What current issue (such as economic crisis, poverty, youth employment, climate change, the impact of technology, HIV and AIDS, gender equality) do you feel has the biggest impact on your life? Why?
• Or write about any other topic of your choice


• You have to be born on or after January 1, 1991 (as the report will be written by adolescents about adolescents)
• Be brief – essays cannot be longer than 800 words (about 2 pages with regular font)
• Share your insight – write about a topic where you have personal experiences and perspectives.
• Be respectful – you can write about anything you want, but keep in mind UNICEF’s basic values of human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination.
• Be inclusive – help spread the word and facilitate the participation of everyone. By collecting and submitting quotes and essays from those that do not have access internet, you can help ensure that a diverse set of perspectives are included in the report.


Click here to submit your essay  or quote.

Click here for the official website.

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