Summer School on Regional Cooperation, Pecs

The Western Balkans: Lessons from the Past and Future Prospects – A View from the Danube Region
25 July – 1 August 2010

Deadline: 07/06/2010

The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna, IDResearch Ltd (IDR), Pecs and the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pecs are organising the seventh Summer School on Regional Co-operation under the intellectual sponsorship of the Danube Rectors’ Conference.

* young Scientists from the Danube Region and Central Europe who have records in political sciences or any other social sciences;
* graduates who would like to present their research projects;
* interested individuals from regional institutions, public administration and scientific organisations.

Workshop items:
1. Transforming the Western Balkans: A Specific European Journey since 1990 and Future Perspectives
2. Economic and social conditions and perspectives in the Western Balkans
3. Dimensions of Civil Society in the Western Balkan Region
4. Geopolitics and the Issue of Stability in the Western Balkans

Working methods:
* Lectures by high level scientists, young graduates and experts (politicians, civil servants, representatives of regional organisations, NGOs, EU officials);
* Presentation of Best Practice projects;
* Presentation of papers prepared by the participants;
* Discussion in parallel workshops;
* Presentation of the results of each working group and plenary discussion.

Cost and scholarship
Registration fee: € 200
Additionally participants can apply for scholarship covering:
a) board and accommodation (EUR 230.-)
b) transport reimbursement (max. EUR 100.-)

Application procedure
All interested applicants should submit following documents:
1. application form
2. CV
3. an abstract max. 2 pages of the paper that shall be presented in the framework of the Summer School. The participants are selected by a jury taking into account the guidance of the presidency of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC).

All the documents need to be submitted by 7th June 2010 to:

More detailed info

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