The University of Leipzig (German: Universität Leipzig), located in the Free State of Saxony, is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second-oldest university in Germany founded at the beginning of the 15th century. It has a long tradition of globally oriented and culturally comparative historical research and tertiary-level teaching. The alma mater Lipsiensis originally comprised four faculties: the Faculty of Arts and the three ‘higher’ faculties, i.e. Theology, Medicine and Law. That structure based on four large faculties remained unchanged for some 500 years. Today there are 14 faculties within the University. With about 25.000 students Universität Leipzig is Saxony’s second largest university.
Applying for a degree course
Admission to a degree course at the University of Leipzig is governed by the Enrolment Regulations of the University of Leipzig and the Saxon University Act (Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz).
If you want to take a degree at the University of Leipzig, you can find out the following below:
* the requirements for a degree course at the University of Leipzig and
* where to submit your application.
Step 1: Find out about Leipzig and the university
Step 2: You are provided with information about the courses, the requirements for an application and the application procedure
Step 3: The International Centre reviews your application
—–if you are accepted—–
Step 4: Find out about the regulations for obtaining a visa and entering the country, about financing your study, about German at the university, the Studienkolleg Sachsen (Saxony Pre paratory Course) and possible accommodation.
Step 5: Your Enrolment
Applying for part of a degree course
The information applies to applicants who want to study at the University of Leipzig for one to two semesters
* under EU programmes (ERASMUS, TEMPUS),
* under university agreements,
* on scholarships (DAAD, KAAD, Fulbright and other foundations)
To apply to spend a period studying at the University of Leipzig, please talk to your ERASMUS co-ordinator at your home university. If you want to come to Leipzig under the ERASMUS programme , you can only apply for the subjects for which there is an agreement between your home university and the University of Leipzig.
Application under a university agreement
You can obtain information from your International Centre on the subjects to which bilateral university agreements refer.
Application with a DAAD scholarship or a scholarship from the Fulbright Commission
If you would like to come to the University of Leipzig on a DAAD or Fulbright Commission scholarship, you must apply to the organisation direct. If you are selected, the DAAD or the Fulbright Commission will send your documents straight to us. You will then be sent all the other necessary information.
International Centre (Akademisches Auslandsamt – AAA)
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 97-32020
Telefax: +49 341 97-32049
Hi,My name is Collins Nyadida from Kenya. i secured admission at of university of Leipzig in Germany to pursue Erasmus Mundus course MA. in Global Studies as a self paying student.I am supposed to report on 28th September 2010 and study for one year in Germany and second year in Poland.
I have been awarded a fee waiver of 2300 neuros.The total annual fee is supposed to be 5100 euros.
can i get scholarship to complete the remeaining fee and cover up my stay in Germany and poland ?
Kindly please advise on how i can apply for scholarship.
Kind regards.
to get this kind of information, you should try to contact the University directly at: in order to receive information from them about possible external donors/foundations/associations etc. that offer this kind of aid to foreign students.
Good luck.
Hi, if you need some additional information on erasmus exchange you can also take a look at this forum: forum erasmus
it is in english.
bye, Tej