University of West Bohemia, Pilsen

The University of West Bohemia (UWB) is located in Pilsen, the largest city in West Bohemia and the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1991 and is made up of seven faculties. It is the only institution of higher education in West Bohemia which prepares students for careers in engineering (electrical and mechanical), science (computer science, applied mathematics, physics, mechanics), education (for both primary and secondary school teachers in a wide range of subjects), fine arts, economics, humanities (philosophy, sociology, foreign languages, social and cultural anthropology, archaeology), law and public administration. There are about 19,000 students at the University.

International Students

The International Office is the centralised university department responsible for international activities. International students can study at UWB either in the short period study stays (e.g. Erasmus) or  in the study programmes depending on their language abilities (Czech or English). Students who wish to come within the Erasmus programme should inform themself about study conditions at their home university. Students who would like to study in the Czech language have the same conditions as Czech students and are not required to pay the tuition fee (does not apply for students who already graduated from the Czech university!)

Parallel Study Programmes in English
Students wishing to study Parallel Study Programmes in English are required to pay the tuition fee and the university offers no scholarships within these study programmes.
Parallel Study Programmes in English are offered at the following faculties:
* Faculty of Applied Sciences
* Faculty of Electrical Engineering
* Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
All documents must be submitted in English or as a verified translation into Czech by March 31st.
Read more.

Services for international students include:
* Introductory / orientation week to the life at UWB and in Pilsen
* Accompanied assistance, e.g. visits to institutions, offices, banks etc.
* Assistance in matters concerning every-day life and accommodation in student dormitories
* Czech language lessons offered to international students while studying at UWB

Scholarships for Czech Summer Language School

The International Summer Language School (ISLS) is organised by the International Office, University of West Bohemia. Scholarships are announced for international students who study Czech language at their home university (institution) and will study Czech language at ISLS too. Read more.
The ISLS offers two types of scholarships:
* government scholarship,
* ISLS scholarship for students from Central and Eastern Europe.

Information for incoming researchers: The Czech Mobility Centre (CMC), The Researcher’s Mobility Portal Czech Republic

University of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 8
306 14 Pilsen
Czech Republic
+420 377 631 111

Official website

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