Basileus: 88 Scholarships for BA, Master and PhD studies

Deadline: 12/03/2010
Open to: Students from EU and Balkans countries
Scholarship: full

BASILEUS – Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalisation of Learning in cooperation with EU universities. The project is funded by the ‘Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Programme’ of the European Commission, and is the first large-scale mobility project for this region. The Basileus project consortium consists of 8 EU universities and 12 universities in the Western Balkans. Basileus provides funding for academic mobility from:
* any Western Balkan institution to the 8 EU partner universities
* the 8 EU partner universities to the 12 Western Balkan partner universities

Who can apply?

Students and staff members of all partner universities, both from the Western Balkan countries and the EU, as well as other nationals of the participating Western Balkan countries, can apply for scholarships:

* Bachelor students : 6 or 10 months mobility period
* Master students : 6 or 10 or 22 months mobility period
* Doctoral students : 6 or 10 or 20 months mobility period
* Post-doctoral students : 10 months mobility period
* Academic staff (teaching, training and research) : 1 month mobility period

EU partner institutions:
Ghent University – consortium co-ordinating institution (Belgium)
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)
Lund University (Sweden)
University of Rome La Sapienza (Italy)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Western Balkan partner institutions:
Fan S. Noli University Korce (Albania)
University of Skhodra (Albania)
University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje (Macedonia)
University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola (Macedonia)
South East European University Tetovo (Macedonia)
University of Prishtina (Kosovo)
University of Montenegro (Montenegro)
University of Belgrade (Serbia)
University of Kragujevac (Serbia)
University of Niš (Serbia)
University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

In this section you will find all detailed information about the Basileus project and its opportunities.

* Define to which target group you belong
* Decide for which level and what field of study you want to apply
* Decide whether you want to be a degree student or an exchange student. We would like to point out however that the majority of scholarships is for exchange students.

o An exchange student is a student (officially registered in a university or other institution for higher education) who temporarily lives in a foreign country and attends courses or is involved in other academic activities. The exchange period lasts minimum 6 months and maximum 10 months. The exchange student does NOT get a diploma from the host university. However, all academic results will be sent to his/her home university. Tuition fee is paid to the home university.

o A degree student registers at the university abroad and is no longer a student from the university at home. He or she will obtain a diploma from the university abroad. Students applying to a foreign university will need to comply with the local admission requirements. The Basileus project funds the tuition fees for these students up to a maximum of 3000 €.

* Exchange students need the approval of their home and host university. For information about the course offer students should check the faculty websites.

European students who want to participate in mobility to the Western Balkans:
* must have the nationality of one of the eligible European countries *;
* must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;
* must be registered at one of the European partner institutions;
* for undergraduate students: must have successfully completed at least one year of studies of higher education level;
* for post-doctorates: must have obtained their doctorate in the last two years and must have the approval of one of the European partner universities to carry out a post-doctorate mobility. This can be for research, training and attending highly specialised courses.

* = Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom or Croatia, Turkey, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

Western Balkan students who want to participate in mobility to the EU:
* for all Target Groups: must have the nationality of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia or Kosovo and have sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction;
* for post-doctorates: must have obtained their doctorate in the last two years and must have the approval of one of the Western Balkan partner universities to carry out a post-doctorate mobility. This can be for research, training and attending highly specialised courses.
* for undergraduate students: must have successfully completed at least one year of studies in their home institutions;
* for Target Group 1: need to be registered at a partner university in the Western Balkans.
* for Target Group 2: need to be registered at another university in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia or Kosovo or need to have a diploma from a university of the countries mentioned above. They will need to argument how this study period abroad will benefit them (and their socio-economic environment) and include letters of support in their individual applications;
* for Target Group 3: candidates need to be part of a vulnerable group (see Target Groups)

When applying online for the scholarship, you will be asked for the documents mentioned here below.

For Academic staff:
* a passport type picture of yourself;
* a copy of your passport or other official national identification proof;
* at least one recommendation letter signed by a superior (dean, head of department), originally written or translated into English (preferrably in PDF-form);
* a recommendation letter of the contact person at the host university (not required for Lund University!) – signed and stamped

For students (BA – MA – Doctorate – Postdoctorate):
* a passport type picture of yourself;
* a copy of your passport or other official national identification proof;
* at least one signed recommendation letter signed by a professor and/or supervisor (preferrably in PDF), written in English or a non-English language original, accompanied by a translation into English; If you are going to apply as an exchange student, we specifically ask for a letter written by an academic who is directly involved with the course or research programme you are currently attending at your home institution. In this case, the letter should contain information on the programme (courses) you would normally attend at your home institution, if you would not be attending an academic mobility period abroad;
* a copy of any language certificate you may have obtained to support your language skills;
* a course record transcript translated into English (which should be obtained from the student administration of your university);
* for ‘degree seeking students’ within Target Group 2/3: a copy of your previous diploma, with apostille.


1. Subsistence allowance:
1000 € per month for undergraduate and graduate students
1500 € per month for doctorate students
1800 € per month for post-doctorate students
2500 € per month for academic staff
2. Insurance costs: 75 € per month
3. Tuition fees/registration fees: maximum 3000 € per academic year (if applicable)
4. Travel costs: depending on the distance

A brochure with all necessary information for applicants can be downloaded here.
More info and online application.

25 thoughts on “Basileus: 88 Scholarships for BA, Master and PhD studies

    1. Emina,
      Mladiinfo is a website that only shares these information with all of you. You will be able to find more about this particular opportunity if you follow the link on the bottom of the article, which says More info and online application. Each country has its own contact person, so you check on their website who is contact person for your country.

  1. @ Biljana
    The answer is yes, you can study in a Bulgarian state university, this is the purpose of the Basileus program, which is similar to Erasmus and promotes student exchange.

    @ Maksim

    Students and staff members of all partner universities, both from the Western Balkan countries and the EU, as well as other nationals of the participating Western Balkan countries, can apply for scholarships:

    * Bachelor students : 1 academic semester or 1 academic year mobility period
    * Master students : 1 academic semester or 1 academic year mobility period
    * Doctoral students : 6 months mobility period
    * Post-doctoral students : 10 months mobility period
    * Academic staff (teaching, training and research) : 1 month mobility period

    1. Dear Ina, the exchanges of students is going from EU partners universities to Balkan universities and opposite way, from one group to another, as Bulgarian and Croatian Universities are in same group you could not apply to be exchange student in Zagreb but to some university in the Western Balkan group.

  2. Hi,

    I have master degree on Marketing on the University "Ss Cyril and Methodius" – Skopje. Now I would like to apply for PhD degree through Basilius program. May I apply, since in the table for Target group 2 (to which I think I belong)there is notice that PhD is not possible here (why?)?

    Thank you,

    1. Dear Maja

      As you can see the target groups are based on partners universities in this partnership consortia( target group 2 said: Nationals of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina,Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia, registered in a higher education institution of these countries NOT included in the partnership). You said that you have master on “Ss Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje which is part of this partnership and you belong to target group 1 ( Students and academic staff registered in one of the partner universities of the consortium).
      But, for this deadline these are available scholarship ( ), where can you see that there are PhD scholarships for only 6 months, you could not start the PHD as new student, but just to go as exchange PhD student. But this is condition only for this deadline, which means that for next deadline in October, 2010 for sure will be a possibility to apply for new PhD course.

    1. "A new future call will be launched under condition that the European Commission approves and funds the prolongation of the Basileus III project. The awarding decision is expected by August 2010. This new call would be opened after this official decision, the latest end of August 2010 – with deadline 13 October 2010 and for mobility starting from January 2011 onwards."

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