Conspiracy Theories in the Middle East and US

13-15 January 2011, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany

Call for: papers

We invite contributions that focus on any aspect of conspiracy theories related to either the Middle East or the United States. We are interested in papers that explore the comparative and transregional dimension of this topic. Conspiracy theories flourish in highly diverse environments and answer to vastly different human needs, desires, and imaginations. Focusing on two regions, the United States and the Middle East, the conference adopts a comparative approach to the study of conspiracy theories.

Submission process:
Please submit your 300-word proposal and a short CV (2-3 pages) to:

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies will cover travel and accommodation costs for all presenters.

Concept und Organisation:
Michael Butter, Junior Fellow, School of Language & Literature
Maurus Reinkowski, Internal Senior Fellow, School of History

If you have any queries contact Dr. Michael Butter:

More detailed info

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