Call for Papers: Unemployment and Resilience

We invite you to participate in the inter-disciplinary conference on “Resilience and Unemployment” that will be hosted by the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research
(University of Salzburg) and the Salzburg Ethics Initiative. Salzburger Anstöße (May 18-21, 2010) as an international gathering of around 30 young scholars, who discuss good practices and develop creative suggestions and concrete recommendations.

Unemployment as a main political challenge this year The topic of “unemployment” has gained new sad prominence with the international financial crisis. Also in Salzburg people suffer from it`s consequences. There have been job losses in big numbers. That is why we want to work on creative solutions. As a follow up we organise knowledge transfer to society, politics and economy.

Three thematic clusters
Micro-level: The resilient unemployed
Meso-level: Resilient Enterprise
Macro-level: Political framework for a resilient society

Your creative ideas are wanted
During the conference we meet in groups around topical clusters. We have plenary sessions, where we invite experts who can stimulate discussion. We have encounters with academics and practitioners working in the area and we will get to know colleagues from other countries and other disciplines. There won`t be reading of traditional academic papers.

For application please develop creative ideas in response to the given questions. Let it be a current or historical „good practice“ or „best example“ or a provocative new idea. Focus on one single point you are passionate to state. Submitt an abstract (papers, work-in-progress or reports of about 500 words) by 15th January 2010.

In case your abstract is accepted we will be happy to invite you to spend interesting days with us in Salzburg. We will organize your stay and carry the costs for board, lodging and organisation of the conference. (Because of last years` bad experiences with people registering but not showing up, we will ask you to pay 50 EUR as non-refundable registration fee.)

Download full paper: Call for papers

contact: Nadja Lobner

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