University of Stuttgart

stuttgart_logoThe University of Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart) is one of the most renowned technical universities in Germany with highly ranked programs in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. It is located in Stuttgart, in the southern part of Germany. Established in 1829, its current structure is organized in 10 faculties.
The faculties of the University of Stuttgart are as follows: Architecture and Urban Planning; Civil- and Environmental Engineering; Chemistry; Energy Technology, Process Engineering and Biological Engineering; Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology; Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy; Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering; Mathematics and Physics; Humanities; and Management, Economics and Social Sciences.

How to apply

International students are subject to different application procedures depending on the type of studies they are interested in. Information about degree seeking students in Diploma, Bachelor and Master programs taught in either German or English, visiting program students within the ERASMUS mobility program or the exchange programs of the partner universities of the University of Stuttgart, freemovers, the DAAD program, and the short period programs can be found on the official website of the University.

Exchange students and scholarshipsstuttgart_university

The University of Stuttgart is highly active in terms of international networking with partner universities. The basis of the international network of the University of Stuttgart are the many partnerships, institute cooperations and formal exchange programs it has established with universities all over the world.

The Universität Stuttgart is constantly developing international cooperations in the areas of research, practice and teaching. At present students from the field physics, engine construction, electrical engineering and process engineering have the possibility to acquire double diplomas at selected universities in France. European progams like the ERASMUS mobility program or exchange programs with twin universities of the University of Stuttgart in the US, Australia or New Zealand are very popular among students.
Students who want to achieve a German university degree are playing an important role alongside the students who only study at the University of Stuttgart for a limited time. At the moment, 2.900 young people from all over the world call themselves students of the University of Stuttgart.

International students can check the availability of scholarships and study grants at DAAD.

Central Address:
Universität Stuttgart
Office of International Affairs
Pfaffenwaldring 60 (IZ)
70569 Stuttgart

Official website

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