Masters in Public Policy at Harvard University

The Kokkalis Program strives to provide promising leaders and current public executives from the region with scholarships to pursue master’s degree studies at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Deadline: 08/01/2009
Scholarship: full
Open to: scholars from Western Balkan, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Moldova,Romania, Slovenia and Turkey

Eligible to apply for a Kokkalis Fellowship are natives of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey who are applying to one of the following Master’s degrees at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University:

Master in Public Policy (MPP)
Master in Public Administration (MPA2)
Master in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID)
Master in Public Administration/Mid-Career (MC/MPA)

Applications are not accepted from natives of countries other than those noted above. Candidates with academic and/or professional backgrounds in one of the following fields are encouraged to apply: public policy and administration, the non-profit sector, law, economics, social sciences, or related fields. Applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to public service and the region of Southeast Europe.

The deadline for applying for the Kokkalis Fellowship is January 8, 2010.


Official website

One thought on “Masters in Public Policy at Harvard University

  1. I come from a developed country (Uganda, East Africa), Iam interested in attaining my masters at Havard University specifically interested in the masters of public policy. I got an opportunity to meet a person who studied that course and I was inspired, besides my country not mentioned among the eligible is there anyway I would source for a sholarship to undertake that training?

    Thank you

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