Siena International Photo Award 2020

Deadline: 5 January, 2020
Open to: professional and non-professional photographers from all around the world
Awards: prize equivalent to the amount of EUR 1,500.00


Applications are now open for Siena International Photo Award 2020. Professional and nonprofessional photographers from all over the world to participate in the photographic contest.

The photos must be based on the following categories and themes:

  • photojournalism & documentary;
  • journeys & adventures;
  • fascinating faces and characters;
  • the beauty of nature;
  • animals in their environment;
  • architecture & urban spaces;
  • sports in action;
  • street life (special theme of the year 2020);
  • portfolio story-telling;
  • short documentary film.

Entrants may submit content to several categories featuring PhotoJournalism, Sport, City, Travel, People, Wildlife, and Nature.


The contest is open to professional and non-professional photographers from all around the world. An entry may be excluded from the contest where the Organizing Committee, in its discretion, should consider it not in accordance with the rules and conditions of the competition.


  • The participant with the highest final score image will be proclaimed “Photographer of the Year SIPA Contest 2020” and will receive a prize equivalent to the amount of EUR 1,500.00 as an attendance bonus to the Awards Ceremony;
  • The Pangea Prize will be only delivered to the winners who attend the Awards Ceremony;
  • Prizes must be collected in person by the winner at the awards ceremony in Siena or by a person representing them.

How to apply?

For more information, and to apply please visit the official website.