XV Regional Summer School „Energy and Climate Planning“

Deadline: 11 July, 2019
Open to: final year master and Ph.D. students, officers working in authorities administration in SEE Europe, young policy-makers and civil servants from governmental institutions, embassies, and international organizations, NGOs and development aid associations, mid-career professionals from energy companies
Venue: 18th – 24th August 2019, Ethno village Čardaci, Bosnia and Herzegovina


The XV Regional Summer School will be organized by REIC in collaboration with German Development Cooperation“ – GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. A panel of esteemed judges will review applications and select the final candidate. The concept of the 15th Summer School is to provide training for students, engage them in a way to facilitate their innovativeness and to simulate their decision-making approach. Students will be divided into smaller groups and they will be asked to propose a project idea out of one of the sectors (topics) in the context of long-term energy and climate planning. The goal of the final paper is to initiate creativeness and innovation by the students, rather than to set a framework for thinking. The role of the facilitators will be to streamline each group to develop an understandable and coherent project proposal. Groups will be heterogenic in terms of educational background, the origin of participant and gender. In the end, students will draft and present a project proposal.

The goals of the Summer school will be:

  • Strengthening knowledge about EU’s energy and climate policy until 2030;
  • Educational support to master and Ph.D. students in the field of renewable energy sources (RES), energy efficiency (EE) and climate changes;
  • Enhancement of the interdisciplinary approach to sustainable energy issue and climate change mitigation;
  • Dissemination of best practice on energy conservation and adaptation to climate change;
  • Capacity building of renewable, sustainable, secure and affordable energy promotion on the regional level as an element of sustainable development in the region;
  • Dissemination knowledge about research programs and innovations in the field of energy and climate.

The 15th Summer School will be held in Ethno village Čardaci, municipality Vitez, the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  • Officers working in authorities administration (national/ regional/ local) in SEE Europe;
  • Final year master students and Ph.D. students wanting to pursue a professional career in the relevant field;
  • Young policy-makers and civil servants from governmental institutions, embassies, and international organizations;
  • NGOs and development aid associations;
  • Mid-career professionals from energy companies.


  • There is no participation fee;
  • The organizer will provide full fellowship for all 18 participants;
  • The full fellowship includes costs of full board accommodation (shared rooms) and study visit;
  • Accommodation and all programs will be organized in the Ethno Village Čardaci (https://www.cardaci.ba/ ).

*Only the cost of transport has to be born by participants themselves.

How to apply?

In order to apply, please send a CV (in English) to info@reic.org.ba  You may attach additional supporting documents (e.g. Letter of motivation, obtained certificates/degrees etc.

For more information, please visit the official call.