Ideas for Action Competition

Deadline: 28 February 2017
Open to: students and young professionals between the ages of 14-18 years and 18-35 years from around the world
Prizes: invitation to IMF & World Bank Annual Meetings support from a dedicated startup accelerator at the Wharton School, and benefit from unique networking opportunities with other young leaders


Ideas for action are a platform connecting young leaders all around the world who have valuable thoughts and ideas about the 2030 Development Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, and any other topic related to the future development of our world. They hope to engage young people to contribute their own voice to the conversation.

Every year, students and young professionals from around the world participate to design ideas for financing and implementing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Winners of the competition will present their ideas during the IMF & World Bank Annual Meetings, receive support from a dedicated startup accelerator at the Wharton School, and benefit from unique networking opportunities with other young leaders as well as some of the most senior decision-makers in international development, academia, and the private sector.


  • Students and young professionals between the ages of 14-18 years and 18-35 years from around the world;
  • Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, countries, nationalities etc.


Winners of the ‘high school’ category get the opportunity to:
  • Be invited to Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, for a luncheon during which they will present their ideas to professors, senior fellows and experts in their fields;
  • Attend the World Bank/IMF annual meetings in the fall of 2017;
  • Access strategic networking capabilities to help further develop their idea;
  • Publish their proposal on the Ideas for Action website and in World Bank articles.

Winners of the ‘young adults’ category get the opportunity to:

  • Present their ideas at an event during the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group;
  • Receive support from a project incubator at the Wharton School;
  • Benefit from unique networking opportunities with experts from international development, academia, and the private sector.

How to Apply?

It is highly recommended to submit an executive summary (1-2 pages). This way, we will be able to provide you with direct feedback that you can use to write your final proposal. Your executive summary should include the following:

  • Title and team name;
  • Explanation of the problem and context: Briefly describe the problem that your proposal is addressing;
  • Your solution: Succinctly describe your idea (including design, target population, stakeholders, incentives, and implementation);
  • Expected impact: Why is it relevant?

Proposals should be submitted directly to the I4A email account ( in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Please name your file as follows: “2017_Country_TeamName”.

Participants are encouraged to submit an Executive Summary of your proposal by December 31, 2016. After a first round review process, you will receive feedback and an invitation to submit your full proposals by February 28. Alternatively, you can elect to skip the executive summary stage and submit a full proposal by February 28:

  • Deadline for submitting Executive Summaries: December 31, 2016;
  • Deadline for full proposal submissions: February 28, 2017;
  • Announcement of submissions selected for the final round: March 21, 2017;
  • Deadline for final submissions: April 17, 2017.

For more information and the competition guidlines please visit the official website.

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