EMBO Long-Term Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research

Deadline: 13 February 2015
Open to: holders of a doctorate degree 
stipend, childcare allowance, healthcare subsidy, travel allowance


EMBO is an organization based in Germany that promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.

The EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. All fellowships must involve movement between countries.


The main eligibility criteria are:

  • Applicants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent at the start of the fellowship;
  • Applicants who already hold a PhD degree at the time of application are eligible to apply only if they passed their PhD exam in the two years prior to the respective application deadline;
  • Applicants must have at least one first author publication accepted in press or published in an international peer reviewed journal at the time of application;
  • All applications must involve movement between countries. The receiving institute or the applicant’s nationality must be from one of the EMBC Member States.


The fellowship will cover:

  • A stipend, depending on the country being visited, which is intended to cover the cost of living in the host country.
  • Dependent child allowance for dependent children under the age of 18.
  • Child care allowance for children under the age of six. Fellows can claim support for incurred child-care costs up to the amount of €2.500 per year and per child.
  • Healthcare subsidy.
  • A travel allowance intended to cover travel costs up to the amount of €5.000 for the fellow and his/her family to and from the receiving institute. The travel allowance further includes half a month’s stipend to contribute to relocation costs.


Applications and supporting documentation (two references, receiving institute acceptance) are only accepted via the online application system. Before applying please read carefully the FAQs and the Long-Term Fellowship guidelines.

All applications must be started before Monday, 9 February 2015. The deadline for submission of complete applications  is 13 February 2015.

For further information please visit the official website.

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