Lund University

Lund University is one of the most renowned universities in Sweden. With around 38 000 undergraduate and graduate students, Lund University is also one of Sweden’s largest universities. It is divided into 8 faculties spread across 4 campuses, located in Lund, a city in the southernmost part of Sweden.
Lund University consists of the following faculties: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Humanities and Theology, School of Economics and Management, Art, Music and Theatre Academies.

Lund University is particularly open to international students. It hosts around 2000 international students every year. International students can choose from 50 Master’s degree program and 250 courses taught in English. Lund University has signed 600 exchange agreements.

How to apply

It is possible for international students to attend degree programs taught in English. Follow this link to find information about the degree programs you can apply for, as well as the application procedures for the degree program you would like to choose.

International Cooperation

Lund University fosters active international cooperation. Visit the ‘International Relations’ section of the official website for more information. Follow this link to obtain information about applying as an exchange student. Lund University also participates in the Erasmus mobility program. You can check if you are eligible to apply here.
Provided they have further questions, international students can direct them to the International Student Mobility Group.
Central Address
Lund University
Box 117 S-221 00
Lund, Sweden

Official website

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